Comment 23 for bug 275451

Revision history for this message
Rudd-O (rudd-o) wrote :

rudd-o@manuel-desktop:~$ grep nfs /etc/fstab /media/music nfs ro,bg,soft 0 0

fails to mount on boot.

the trick is to KILL networkmanager and let the default system networking init.d script take over. if networkmanager is the one bringing up the network interface, the script never gets run.

sudo update-rc.d -f NetworkManager remove
sudo update.rc-d -f networking remove
sudo update.rc-d -f networking defaults

then reboot. or service stop networkmnager and service start networking. presto, filesystem is automounted.

this is a bug in the networkmanager package, it's not picking up system ifup / ifdown hooks. that's it.