Comment 8 for bug 1943008

Revision history for this message
Dan Bungert (dbungert) wrote (last edit ):

> Any progress on this?

If the snapd snap on the edge channel was on stable, this would be a non-issue because libgcc_s has been added to that snap. If you like, you can verify this for yourself by making a modification to the snapd package to force the edge channel snap to be installed and running it thru autopkgtest.

Adding the dependency from squashfs-tools -> libgcc-s1 is ultimately a good thing for package correctness but will do nothing to resolve the current autopkgtest dilemma because it's the mksquashfs inside the snapd snap that wants a matching libgcc_s. See also above comment I made which shows that libgcc_s is de-facto present on any realistic system.

I'm strongly considering just hinting the relevant packages and being done with it, but there is the following problem:
Why are any of the snapd autopkgtests passing right now?

looking at current history of amd64 snapd tests, the last 4 runs were triggered with
* linux-aws (pass)
* linux-gcp (pass)
* linux-oracle (fail)
* linux-meta-kvm (pass)

I looked at the logs and artifacts for oracle versus the others and I'm not seeing interesting reasons on why -oracle would fail when -gcp passes. And when I run them locally, they fail every time, including passing scenarios like the above linux-gcp. And why would -oracle would pass 4 days ago and not now?

Again, maybe we just hint and move on, but something odd is happening.