Comment 0 for bug 1799185

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Giuseppe Ravasio (giuseppe-ravasio) wrote :

I'm installing our new relay and as before I'm running spamd with --virtual-config-dir option enabled:
"spamd -d --pidfile=/var/run/ -c -x --virtual-config-dir=/var/lib/spamassassin/vconfig/%u/ --allow-tell -u debian-spamd -g debian-spamd --max-children=5 --min-children=3 --max-spare=3"

It works well but it cannot create the vconfig dir if it's not existing.
I've put spamd in debug and the problem is with perl tainted:

config: mkdir /var/lib/spamassassin/vconfig/giuseppe/ failed: Insecure dependency in mkdir while running with -T switch at /usr/share/perl/5.26/File/ line 177, <GEN10> line 2.

I solved the problem running spamd without -T option (as arch linux is doing) but it could be great to fix this tainted variable.


PS: I reported the same bug to spamassassin bugtracking with ID 7646