Comment 32 for bug 1632870

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Naƫl (nathanael-naeri) wrote :

Yes, I contacted Daniel a few weeks ago to let him know about the Chrome/Flash unbundling and suggest he downloads from Adobe or retires his PPA. Since there is now a variety of ways to get the NPAPI/PPAPI Flash plugin, he decided to retire his PPA, and I updated my Flash memo to stop mentioning it. I remember there used to be a time around Ubuntu Precise where his pepflashplugin-nonfree was the sole packaged way to install the PPAPI plugin for other browsers than Chrome. Let him be thanked for this pioneer work.

Regarding the pepperflashplugin-nonfree package in the Ubuntu archive, I am in favor of proposing to drop it from the archive in zesty (I believe you mean zesty). As it stands now, this package will stay broken until the original Debian maintainer fixes it, and there hasn't been a sign on debbugs 833741 and 841373 that this will happen soon. And even if it does, this package offers no advantage over the adobe-flashplugin package in partner, besides being in multiverse rather than in partner. Unless that last point is crucial, I vote for proposing to drop the package.

BTW, was there ever a consensus in favor or against enabling partner at install time, when you contacted the ubuntu-devel list?