Comment 182 for bug 390508

Revision history for this message
wirespot (wirespot) wrote :

@André Ramaciotti:
> Of course the user is the dictator! What's the use of
> a piece of software that nobody wants to use?

In all fairness, with FOSS things are a bit different. Users take second place to developers (or other types of contributors), because someone who is contributing is more important to FOSS than a simple user. Unlike commercial software, it often happens to have just the devs use the software. It's the old "put up or shut up" approach.

[On a side note, Ubuntu is not exactly your average hobbyist-only distro. It simply cannot afford the "my way or the highway" position, not if it wants to hold on to what it achieved so far.]

But that is a moot point. The core of the issue is refusing to provide access to certain functionality via API because the Ubuntu team doesn't believe 3rd-party devs can possibly make good usability decisions. (Leaving aside the fact that attempting to force usability issues by crippling the API is quite silly.)

So lets be very clear about this, it was never about end users except in a very roundabout, fuzzy way. It's mainly Ubuntu devs vs 3rd-party devs and power users who write DIY desktop tools.