Comment 0 for bug 1694384

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Laurent Declercq (l-declercq) wrote : Missing list owner email alias in data/virtual-mailman

Dear project leader,

In the Mailman version 2.1.21, you released a fix regarding Mailman-Postfix:

     - Mailman-Postfix integration will now add mailman@domain entries in
      data/virtual-mailman for each domain in POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS
      which is a host_name of a list. This is so the addresses which are
      exposed on admin and listinfo overview pages of virtual domains will
      be deliverable. (LP: #1459236)

That fix was a good thing. However there is an identical problem for the site list owner email that is exposed in email notification when you create a new list. Indeed,
when you create a new list, there is a notification that is sent to the list owner and which state that it must address all questions to mailman-owner@VIRTUAL_DOMAIN. Therefore, you should considere adding that alias too in the virtual-mailman map. Right now, sending mail to such address result to non-delivery notification.

That being said, I would want give you my personal point of view regarding the email addresses that are exposed.

Regarding the site list address that is exposed in the listinfo overview page:

I tend to think that exposing the site list email address in the listinfo overview page is a mistake. End-users that visit or subscribe to the lists shouldn't have to ask any question to the mailman site list administrator. Think of a shared hosting environment where there is the sysadmin and end-users which are administrators of their own lists.

Here, my thinking is that subscribers (or visitors) of the listinfo interface should ask their questions, not to the mailman site list administrator, but to the list administrator which is not always the same person. From my point of view, only the list administrators should have to ask something to the mailman site list administrator (sysadmin).

Another thing: In the listinfo oveview page, you're also exposing the list administrator personal email in the footer (email used while creating the list). From my point of view, that email should be hidden from the visitors and subscribers. That email, always from my point of view should be replaced by the list owner email address (<listname>-owner@VIRTUAL_DOMAIN.