Comment 36 for bug 1406981

Revision history for this message
In , Jeremiah-renfro (jeremiah-renfro) wrote :

FWIW I found this thread because I was getting a similar crash after updating OpenSUSE to 13.1 and eclipse to Kepler (eclipse.buildId=4.3.0.M20130911-1000)

Here is the tail of the console log:

No bp log location saved, using default.
[000:000] Browser XEmbed support present: 1
[000:001] Browser toolkit is Gtk2.
[000:001] Using Gtk2 toolkit
No bp log location saved, using default.

Adding -Dorg.eclipse.swt.browser.DefaultType=mozilla to eclipse.ini seems to have resolved the problem... for now. I only think it is worth mentioning because this was supposedly resolved in 4.3