Comment 297 for bug 1245473

Revision history for this message
Oded Arbel (oded-geek) wrote :

A. Major kudos to nrbrtx for maintaining the patched Xorg PPA - this was a life saver, and I don't believe it was mentioned enough.
B. Is this still an issue?

Currently - on beta focal, I am using Xorg from Ubuntu (without Norbert's PPA) on KDE Plasma 5.18, and I don't see to have this problem: I have ALT+SHIFT bound to layout change (`setxkbmap -option grp:alt_shift_toggle`), and ALT+SHIFT changes language while ALT+SHIFT+<other> triggers shortcut (I use Eclipse which defaults to a lot of ALT+SHIFT-* shortcuts).

Is anyone on focal or eoan still have this problem (when using Ubuntu or upstream xorg)?