Comment 0 for bug 251404

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Tree MendUs (tree-mendus-deactivatedaccount) wrote : [needs-packaging] Zenoss - monitor your entire IT structure - networks, servers, virtualizations, applications


About Zenoss

Zenoss came about to address a global problem in IT operations. For years now, organizations of all sizes have struggled to find IT management software that delivered the right mix of functionality, ease and affordability.

Through our integrated, model-driven product and by taking a new approach to management software that combines the benefits of open source with the best aspects of commercial development, we offer a new alternative.

Please give the software a try, let us know what you think, get involved, and let us know if we can help you in any way.

Thank you for your interest in Zenoss!

Bill & Erik, Co-founders


With Zenoss, you get a single product to monitor your entire IT infrastructure:

    * Networks - Routers, Switches, Firewalls, Access Points
    * Servers - Microsoft Windows, Linux, Unix, HP, NetApp, Dell
    * Virtualization - VMware, Xen
    * Applications - Processes, Ports, Web Apps, Web Services, Databases, Middleware, Commercial Apps

Across the full lifecycle:

    * Configuration Management - Auto-discovery, inventory, CMDB, change tracking
    * Availability Management - Active tests up and down the stack
    * Performance Monitoring - Collect and analyze metrics up and down the stack
    * Event/Log Management - Central collection and management of alarms and breaches
    * Automatic Remediation - Respond to and resolve issues as they occur

Using agentless collection and standards-based management protocols:

    * WMI, PerfMon, SNMP, JMX, HTTP, Telnet, SSH, Syslog, ICMP, FTP, SMTP

Open Source by zenoss — last modified 2007-10-02 17:43

Zenoss Core is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2. All the sub-projects included in Zenoss Core are either licensed under the GPL or a compatible open source license. Zenoss couldn't exist without the open source contributions of numerous open source projects and want to give credit and thank all the other contributors that help make Zenoss Core possible.

Questions on other open source program sused with Zenoss can be sent to <email address hidden>.
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minimum requirement is MySQL 5.0.22