Comment 3 for bug 480429

Revision history for this message
eMTee (realprogger) wrote :

The quotes above are outputted to the system log (not sure if it can be viewed in LinuxDC++ GUI, its possible in DC++). Thus the user is informed about the failed move operation of the finished files to the destination path. The 0.760 core makes possible to keep finished files in the dl queue, however even the DC++ GUI does not have the possibility to do action with finished files (Shell menu, Open, etc...)...
I think if the user does not keep the downloaded files in the queue, he can find the error message in the log, if he keeps the files then the problem can be handled by introducing context menu actions for finished files. However in the case explained above (and Unable to move %1% to %2% (%3%); renamed to %4% message goes to the log) we must make sure that the finshed item's path points to the actual file stuck in the unfinished folder and not to the original target path where the file failed to move to...