Comment 2 for bug 245021

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MikeJJ (mrmikejj) wrote :

The timestamp stays the same in the HashIndex.xml file.
I tried deleting one of the entries from it, but that file still continues to rehash every startup. It got a new timestamp from the first rehash of it, but subsequent rehashes perserve that timestamp.

Only "strange" thing i can see in there is the file order. It follows alphabetical order of files in a directory, but the rehashed files are at the bottom of that directory. e.g. say 9 files in a directory, named 1 (to) 9. With files 2 and 5 hashed every startup, the order would be: 1 3 4 6 7 8 9 2 5.

Okay, another strangeness . . . . the files which get rehashed have exactly the same timestamp (except the entry which i manually deleted and it got rehashed, but it did have the same as the other 4 before).