Comment 3 for bug 228582

Revision history for this message
eMTee (realprogger) wrote :

Here is the test case and debug log from the reporter of another entry marked duplicate :

[2009-01-15 17:48] <Andaya> Did several tests today with DC debug version and program did not crash. I tried with same virtual name mapped to different folders and in these folders identically named subfolders but no luck.
[2009-01-15 17:49] <Andaya> I also queued some stuff and still had no crash
[2009-01-15 17:50] <Andaya> The only thing that is different the time I opened bug is that my original share is not the same and I tested now with a much smaller set of directories.
[2009-01-15 17:52] <Andaya> When I encountered the bug I resorted the 1,5 TB share to avoid having identical named folders or subfolders. I've recreated the original structure but with just 100GB.
[2009-01-15 17:52] <Andaya> So only conclusion until now is that bug possibly has something to do with total share size.
[12:07] <Andaya> I made share with 2 folders mapped to one:
[12:07] <Andaya> but each folder didn't have subfolders with same names
[12:08] <Andaya> all 1,3 TB hashed ok while connected to hub and had 12 hours uptime without a problem
[12:09] <Andaya> this morning I added a third folder which DID had subfolders with same names as subfolders of first two folders
[12:09] <Andaya> and then I had a crash, I have debug log for you.