Comment 3 for bug 211753

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Neil Harding (8-launchpad-nharding-co-uk) wrote :

I am planning on adding metadata to the filelist, I was thinking of using value pairs. So metadata = "Date:2008-09;{Contents:xxxxxxxxxxxx};Source:New Scientist;" could be attached to a file. Fields inside {} are computer generated and would not be entered by hand in searches, but could be used to have details about the files inside a compressed file. I was planning on having an external program that could be run for different file types to produce some metadata automatically. Ie, mp3 metadata might be "Song:<Title>;Rate:128Kbps;Tracks:<1|2>,Album:<Title>,Genre:<Pop|Classical|...>. You could edit the data by hand, but it could also get the metadata from another user who has set the metadata (or has more complete metadata), ie. you have a file yellow.mp3 {metadata Song:Yellow Submarine;} and someone else has a file with the same TTH called YellowSubmarine.mp3 with {metadata Song:Yellow Submarine;Group:Beatles, The;} so it can see that you don't have the metadata field Group and it would add it to your metadata (optional depending on your settings).