Comment 2 for bug 1676289

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Laurent Sesquès (sajoupa) wrote :


Thanks Brian for having taken a look.
This is the production retracer environment, retracer-app/47.
I hadn't seen that this was cron'ed.
We've had recurring alerts on this unit since March 23rd.
Since that date, retracers-cache-restart.log is empty.
My guess was that the FS was full when it tried to run, hence not logging the attempt. But we would have been alerted and would have run retracers-cache-restart manually before the FS got full, so there must be something else. And it runs without -f every 2 minutes so we should definitely have logs.
/var/log/syslog has regular CRON entries, but none for the retracers restarts.

Anyway I looked in landscape for FS usage history. It was empty since March 26th.
I restarted the landscape daemon and it's now populating metrics history.
I ended up also restarting cron, the following */2 run generated logs.

So something was wrong on this machine, but I haven't figured out what yet.

But this doesn't look like a daisy bug.
