Comment 5 for bug 1929213

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Bartosz Baranowski (baranowb) wrote : Re: Ubuntu server fails to install if boot is not on sda1

Should have been: * while parted does show it as well.

Out of curiosity, I gave a go to fedora server and it seems to work( with one minor detail when it comes to partitioning).

Im going to alter title, as it is wrong.

General flaw seems to be LVM mixing drives/CC partition table onto another:

Ubuntu headles LVM creation fails. HW setup:

Test scenarion:
0 - /boot and /boot/efi on /sda

1(encr) vg0 on sda,sdb( /, /home, /etc, /var/log, /usr/local). vg1 on sdc,sdd( /srv )
2(plain) vg0 on sda,sdb( /, /home, /etc, /var/log, /usr/local). vg1 on sdc,sdd( /srv )
3(encr) vg0 on sda,sdb( /, /home, /etc, /var/log, /usr/local).
4(plain) vg0 on sda,sdb( /, /home, /etc, /var/log, /usr/local).
5(encr) vg0 on sda( /, /home, /etc, /var/log, /usr/local).
6(plain) vg0 on sda( /, /home, /etc, /var/log, /usr/local).
7(plain) sda( /, /home, /etc, /var/log, /usr/local).

Only 7 worked. In all other cases installation failed( for some crash logs are in tar ). With one key observation - even when only single drive was selected, somehow second(sdb) had clones of partitions from sda.