Comment 4 for bug 1929213

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Bartosz Baranowski (baranowb) wrote : Re: Ubuntu server fails to install if boot is not on sda1

Possibly original tittle might be wrong. Ive reset physical connections and BIOS, but could not reproduce ID switch. I might just have been tired and imagined it. Nevertheless, installation still fail.
Through trial and error one thing is clear - plain HDD install( no LVM/Crypto) does work like a charm.
What I found odd about his is fact that installer, seems to see partitions cloned after restart, while parted does not( txt and img in ;single_drive_encr_lvm;). I'm fairly sure other iterations did produce similar duplication, but I just brushed it off as trash after last install - my bad?

Crash logs, with semi-descriptive dirs attached.