Comment 3 for bug 1929213

Revision history for this message
Bartosz Baranowski (baranowb) wrote : Re: Ubuntu server fails to install if boot is not on sda1

Im thinkering with ubuntu server 20.10 from live USB.

I tried single drive install and it worked. Once it went live I tried minimal setup on two SSDs( /boot, /boot/efi and encrypted LVM with rest on both). Not sure if its relevant but I can see in crash report:
"adding partition 'partition-3' to disk "disk-sdb" (ptable: 'gpt')
partnum: 1 offset_Sectrors: 2048 length_sectors 500113407
Preparing partition location on disk /dev/sda

This fails with exist code: 4

For some reason Im not able to authorize apport. I will try to tinker with single drive install and two. Will crash report be sufficient ?