Comment 4 for bug 1915573

Revision history for this message
Ryan Harper (raharper) wrote :

> There isn't a way with kickstart to include additional modules without permanently including in
the initrd.

curtin's in the same boat. It does not know any more about what kernel modules should be included in the target other than virtual storage related items (like raid or lvm) which are not hardware/platform dependent.

IIUC, because MAAS/curtin deploys on Ubuntu kernel/initramfs but the target is centos; the centos initrd is "not as complete" hardware module wise as the Ubuntu version. Would it not be better to generate the initramfs for centos in the same way we do for physical hardware on Ubuntu?

> Is there a specific dracut module that needs enabled for nvme?

This didn't get answered.

> This should leverage the scripts in CentOS to pull in the appropriate drivers automatically.

This may or may not work; since the NVME devices are present due to the Ubuntu kernel; the code to see what drivers/moduled are in-use for a given block device may not suggest to include a module if it's built in.

> $dracut --regenerate-all --force

This is not "leverage the scripts in CentOS to pull in appropriate drivers"; this is pull everything in.

I'd like discussion on:

1) should the MAAS created CentOS initramfs contain the same driver support (compiled or module) as the Ubuntu kernel/initramfs pair do already ?

2) Does dracut detect the needed kernel modules to put in the initramfs when run under Ubuntu kernel/initrd? If so, do we need any special flags to trigger the detection