Comment 0 for bug 1809529

Revision history for this message
Bougron (francis-bougron) wrote :


Shimx64 does not know how to interact with unsecured efi bios!

some EFI computers have not developed the secure layer.
Shimx64 is always installed but its installation does not work.

This installation is planting.
When ubuntu is started by other methods, reinstalling the shimx64 package continues to crash!

This second installation is also planting.
It is then impossible to make the command "apt upgrade" which asks to make the command "dpkg --configure -a" to correct the problem because this last command also crashes!!!

I ask you to ask the user his opinion before installing shimx64 in the nvram!
If he says NO, do not install shimpx64 in the nvram since grubx64 is enough for unsafe EFI bios....

 See a French discussion
