Comment 2 for bug 1714028

Revision history for this message
Ryan Harper (raharper) wrote : Re: artful network vmtests fail now that ifdown command is removed

If I force cloud-init to render netplan (via cloud-config) then things work out better. A small adjustment is needed to the network unittest for parsing ip route output.

=== modified file 'tests/vmtests/'
--- tests/vmtests/ 2017-08-02 15:46:35 +0000
+++ tests/vmtests/ 2017-08-31 20:42:12 +0000
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
         cp -av /etc/network/interfaces .
         cp -av /etc/network/interfaces.d .
         cp /etc/resolv.conf .
+ systemd-resolve --status 2>/dev/null |tee systemd-resolvd.status
         cp -av /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules . ||:
         ip -o route show | tee ip_route_show
         ip -6 -o route show | tee ip_6_route_show
@@ -48,6 +49,7 @@
         mkdir -p etc_netplan
         cp -av /etc/netplan/* ./etc_netplan/ ||:
         networkctl |tee networkctl
+ ls -1 /sys/class/net/ | xargs -i networkctl status {} | tee nctl.status
         mkdir -p run_systemd_network
         cp -a /run/systemd/network/* ./run_systemd_network/ ||:
         cp -a /run/systemd/netif ./run_systemd_netif ||:
@@ -285,13 +287,16 @@
         ip_route_show = self.load_collect_file("ip_route_show")
         logger.debug("ip route show:\n{}".format(ip_route_show))
         for line in [line for line in ip_route_show.split('\n')
- if 'src' in line]:
+ if 'src' in line and 'default' not in line]:
             m ='^(?P<network>\S+)\sdev\s' +
                           r'(?P<devname>\S+)\s+' +
- r'proto kernel\s+scope link' +
+ r'proto\s(?P<proto>\S+)\s+scope link' +
- route_info = m.groupdict('')
+ try:
+ route_info = m.groupdict('')
+ except Exception:
+ print('Failed to match ip_route_show line:\n%s' % line)