Comment 9 for bug 1656350

Revision history for this message
Sean Wheller (seanwhe) wrote :

Hi Mike,

Yes, /MAAS/#/networks?by=fabric will list the networks automatically detected during the MAAS install. In this case, MAAS can have no clue as to the public subnet even after the commissioning of a node and despite detecting that there is another NIC. So, the ability for MAAS to allow manual addition and config of a subnet is spot on and works if you define a "static routes" to the manually created subnet with the exception of the initial rendering problem, which was the initial intent with this bug.

What prompted me to go further in this was when I manually corrected the rendering problem I found that the manually corrected solution which entailed simply adding in a linefeed at the correct position, did not work.

Hence, I implemented the policy based solution I know and trust and it worked.

So ... +1 for policy-based routing and enabling customers to implement policies that selectively cause packets to take different paths.

... and thanks to you for taking it under consideration.