Comment 5 for bug 1532062

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Robert Clark (returntoreptar) wrote :

Sounds good, here is the output from: lsblk --pairs "--output=$full" /dev/sda
ALIGNMENT="0" DISC-ALN="0" DISC-GRAN="0B" DISC-MAX="0B" DISC-ZERO="0" FSTYPE="" GROUP="disk" KNAME="sda" LABEL="" LOG-SEC="512" MAJ:MIN="8:0" MIN-IO="512" MODE="brw-rw----" MODEL="main " MOUNTPOINT="" NAME="sda" OPT-IO="0" OWNER="root" PHY-SEC="512" RM="1" RO="0" ROTA="1" RQ-SIZE="128" SIZE="100G" STATE="running" TYPE="disk" UUID=""
ALIGNMENT="0" DISC-ALN="0" DISC-GRAN="0B" DISC-MAX="0B" DISC-ZERO="0" FSTYPE="" GROUP="disk" KNAME="sda1" LABEL="" LOG-SEC="512" MAJ:MIN="8:1" MIN-IO="512" MODE="brw-rw----" MODEL="" MOUNTPOINT="/" NAME="sda1" OPT-IO="0" OWNER="root" PHY-SEC="512" RM="1" RO="0" ROTA="1" RQ-SIZE="128" SIZE="100G" STATE="" TYPE="part" UUID=""

And the output from lsblk --pairs "--output=$short" /dev/sda
NAME="sda" MAJ:MIN="8:0" RM="1" SIZE="100G" RO="0" TYPE="disk" MOUNTPOINT=""
NAME="sda1" MAJ:MIN="8:1" RM="1" SIZE="100G" RO="0" TYPE="part" MOUNTPOINT="/"

I may be misreading it, however it looks to me like the initial output is telling the same story, in lsblk -l it looks to me like it has the below structure with formatting, which seems to me that it is being reported wrong all the way around. That being said I don't have any experience with lsblk so I could be completely off.

sda 8:0 1 100G 0 disk
sda1 8:1 1 100G 0 part /