Comment 5 for bug 1533363

Revision history for this message
Robert Bruce Park (robru) wrote :

Ok I wrote a little script for this to mark all branches as Abandoned:

python3 - <<EOF
from cupstream2distro.launchpadmanager import lp
for branch in'Development'):
    branch.lifecycle_status = 'Abandoned'

For some reason it didn't get all 800 branches on the first run so I had to run it a few times but as of right now the train has no branches in 'Development' status any longer. I confirmed in staging that new builds will mark the branches back to 'Development' even if they were already marked 'Abandoned', so for right now if you're looking for a branch from an active silo you'll have to tell lp to show you branches with "any status" (instead of any active status). All future builds will show up correctly and be marked as merged when the silo merges.