Comment 1 for bug 1443678

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Nekhelesh Ramananthan (nik90) wrote :

<nik90> aquarius: how does one remove a component from the community store?
<aquarius> nik90, at the moment, by pinging me
<aquarius> the issue there is that submission does not require authentication
<aquarius> (deliberately)
<aquarius> and I don't want you to be able to remove my components
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<nik90> aquarius: ok..because I saw this big "DO_NOT_EDIT_THIS_FILE_BY_HAND" :P and was worried if the server had provision to remove components
<aquarius> I'm not sure how to solve that. I *think* the best way is to require that you make the destination branch invalid as a component somehow (obvious way: remove ubuntu_component_store.json) and then "ucs remove sil/Component" will look at the existing branch it knows about, see it's no longer a branch, and remove it from the list
<nik90> aquarius: I will mention that quickly in the docs for now as a temporary info msg.
<aquarius> the reason you mustn't edit that file by hand is that the UCS server maintains its own copy of it, and if you edit the one in Launchpad, the server's copy gets out of sync and then it all goes wrong ;)
<nik90> aquarius: is it possible to check the existence of a lp branch?
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<nik90> if app dev deletes his lp branch and then submits that as an *update*, it would be removed from the list
<aquarius> it is -- when you submit a component to the community store, the server fetches your branch and pokes around in it to confirm that it's a valid-looking component (it has an ubuntu_component_store.json, that file contains required metadata, etc)
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<aquarius> ya, I think that that's the best way, I just haven't implemented it yet :)