Comment 145 for bug 729979

Revision history for this message
Esokrates (esokrarkose) wrote :

Okay I compiled both, but I cannot load unityshell plugin: it reports me an segmentation fault and aborts. Both unity and compiz compiled successfully. I installed them both in my home directory and started compiz with

env DISPLAY=:0 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib ./bin/compiz --replace core ccp composi te opengl decor snap imgpng compiztoolbox mousepoll move regex vpswitch anim ation resize grid wall expo place workarounds session fade ezoom scale unityshell

Unity was installed the following way:

so I suppose it is working all the time with the installed compiz version, but not with my compiled compiz version. Even using old unity compiz fails to load unity (but wihtout a segmentation error).