Comment 124 for bug 729979

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triplesqaurednine (triplesquarednine) wrote :


You are experiencing a different bug than the one in this report -> if you are not able to reliably reproduce the bug using the same steps that everyone else has ( including myself! and i can reproduce it every time! ).

 You should be opening a bug report of your own, since clearly all you are doing is making noise and causing a bit of confusion on this bug report ~ a bug which by your own admission you are unable to reproduce... You might want to list in your own report the distinction between yours and this report (that being that they both are causing blank windows, but you cannot actually reproduce *this bug* - as opposed to coming here and telling people who CAN produce it ~ they are experiencing a different bug).

it's pretty obvious now, by your last few posts that your comments don't belong here, since you can't actually reproduce this bug reliably.

anyway, thanks for posting as i forgot to unsubscribe from lp:compiz and all of my bug reports (yesterday).

good luck to all of you in Ubuntuland, using compiz/unity,,,