Comment 0 for bug 977950

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blinkblink (thomasthoma) wrote : ctrl + alt + Num + workspace switching = big bugs!

--on recently updated Ubuntu 12.04--

steps to reproduce:

1. open up firefox
2. press ctrl+alt+9
3. change workspace

1. firefox window is visible (but not clickable) in *every other* workspace
2. firefox window loses it's window controls and there's *no way to grab it with the mouse*, not even in it's initial workspace.


Since I found firefox to act the weirdest, I tried the same steps with other apps:
for example: gnome-terminal and virtualbox.


1.they're all visible but not clickable in *every other* workspace.
2.however they don't lose their window controls like firefox does, BUT they still act weird:

steps to reproduce:

1. open up gnome-terminal
2. press ctrl+alt+9
3. try to drag the gnome-terminal window

in my experience there are two possible outcomes:

1. the window moves up and down like it refuses to be moved by the mouse pointer.
2. it moves while keeping it's distance from the mouse pointer. (being shifted somehow)

==it's sad they aren't dating anymore. :P

I remember that sometimes nautilus got stuck in a corner too (like firefox), but I cannot reproduce it.
Maybe it is related to the above.

cheers + thanks for your time!