Comment 28 for bug 771448

Revision history for this message
Donjan Rodic (bryonak) wrote :

I am happy to confirm that works nicely with window, pointer and drag&drop edge flipping. Ubuntu 13.04, Intel HD4000 with standard drivers + SNA accel, most other things default/repo.

For those who want to reproduce it:
  bzr branch lp:~mc-return/compiz/compiz.merge-fix771448-desktop-wall-edge-flipping-broken
Drop 'cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)' into CMakeLists.txt (not VERSION 2.8, as this has scope conflicts).
Copy FindCompiz.cmake and FindCompizConfig.cmake to your /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/ directory. The first is found in the cmake subdir of the branch, the second I had to google for (maybe it's there, I didn't find it).
  mkdir compiz...(tab)/build
  cd compiz.../build
  cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/compiz
  make -j6
  sudo make install
  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/compiz/lib /opt/compiz/bin/compiz --replace

It may or may not flatline your compiz config, so it's best to have ccsm already open besides the terminal and turn on Composite, Decorations etc.
You can of course use /usr/lib as prefix (after testing in opt), I wouldn't. For one, after fiddling around with ccsm (turning many plugins on and then off), all applications started fullscreen and couldn't be dragged by the titlebar... not sure if that would be a reportable (reproducible) bug though.