Comment 29 for bug 207065

Revision history for this message
Guido I (guidoweb) wrote :

something -did- change in the repository. 3 days ago a branch was merged, which doesn't include autotools build system (i guess this change relates to current compiz development)

So you are no longer able to compile this easily, with last git snapshot.

You've got 2 options left: (1) the one suggested by you, or (2) checkout a previous git version (much simpler i think)

1) the one you tried, downloading the Ubuntu source for that package (compizconfig-backend-gconf-0.8.4) and applying the patch there. I don't know why that didn't work for you, I just tried and the patch applied cleanly.

guido@pc:/tmp$ apt-get source compizconfig-backend-gconf
guido@pc:settings-backend$ cd compizconfig-backend-gconf-0.8.4/settings-backend/
guido@pc:settings-backend$ wget
guido@pc:settings-backend$ patch < resize-with-right-button.patch
patching file gconf.c
guido@pc:settings-backend$ cd ..
guido@pc:compizconfig-backend-gconf-0.8.4$ ./configure
guido@pc:compizconfig-backend-gconf-0.8.4$ make
No errors whatsoever
...then metacity --replace, etc

if you got errors while applying the patch, please post the steps you made and the resulting errors, maybe you were standing in the wrong directory or something.

a better alternative, if you want to go the git way, is: after cloning the repo you can "checkout" a previous commit instead of the HEAD (non-working) version. (Well that's the whole point of having a revision system :) )

$ git clone git://
$ git checkout 74c3fd40 #Going back in time...
$ cd compizconfig-backend-gconf/
$ ./
$ make
