Comment 0 for bug 2059368

Revision history for this message
tele1234567891 (swojskichlopak) wrote :

I use

$ inxi -F
  Host: tele Kernel: 5.15.0-91-generic x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: MATE 1.26.0
    Distro: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)

Main packages version
compiz-mate 1:
emerald 0.8.18-3

I have taskbar at the very bottom.
The problem is that the taskbar is also visible in the game.

In Compiz I have now set

$ dconf dump /org/compiz/profiles/ | grep active-plugins

active-plugins=['core', 'composite', 'opengl', 'compiztoolbox', 'decor', 'matecompat', 'move', 'notification', 'regex', 'resize', 'shelf', 'shift', 'addhelper', 'animation', 'animationaddon', 'cube', 'workarounds', 'bench']

And I use " Ctrl + Alt + d " to minimalize game window ( is default in Mate desktop enviroment )
This shortcut also works in the game.
But Compiz shortcuts don't work. ( This is the least important )

I noticed that I had to click several times " Ctrl + Alt + d "
then the taskbar randomly disappears.
This is helpful for me because I don't need the taskbar there and it makes it difficult for me to play there.
This is my workaround for my problem.

It may be possible to control windows and taskbars from plugin in Compiz which will be displayed on the front and which will be on the back.
Maybe you know how I can switch these windows and taskbars.

If you have a lot of free time try debug problem and fix
or write advice on how to fix the problem.