Comment 1 for bug 1960385

Revision history for this message
Guy Rouillier (guy-rouillier) wrote (last edit ):

I installed a prebuilt Ubuntu Mate 21.10 image from, which starts with kernel 5.13.0-19. Then I tried 2 upgrade paths to the current kernel 5.13.0-28: (1) starting with the Marco window manager, upgrading, then switching to Compiz, and (2) starting with Compiz and upgrading. With both approaches, the resulting Compiz environment does *not* freeze the desktop when I resize the VM window.

I matched the VirtualBox configuration options for this OSBoxes VM to my own Ubuntu Mate 21.10 VM (where I'm experiencing this issue.) The settings seem to be the same. However, comparing CompizConfig Settings Manager between the two, they are very different, even though they are the same version: For example, in my VM, the Effects category contains 18 options, while in the OSBoxes VM, that same category only has 3 options.

I noticed in the CompizConfig Settings Manager, on the Preferences page, an option under Profile to "Reset to defaults". Before trying drastic steps like uninstalling and reinstalling Compiz, I decided to try this Reset. While my VM continues to show many more options than the OSBoxes, VM, resizing the VM window no longer freezes the desktop. So apparently some combination of these options was causing the problem. I had never using this CompizConfig Settings Manager, so apparently the settings got changed by other means.

This problem is no longer affecting me, so this report can be closed for my purposes. If anyone would like, I can try to change some of the CompizConfig Settings Manager options to see if I can get the problem to recur.