Comment 0 for bug 1115353

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Esokrates (esokrarkose) wrote : Resizing windows (accessibility menu) using arrow keys does not work if resizing using more than one boarder

If you attempt to resize a window by using the arrow keys and switch between the window boarders (e.g. using up-arrow-key and afterwards right-arrow-key) two issues prevent resizing:
When changing boarders the cursor does not get positioned on the boarder of the orange preview box, but on the corner of the original window, which should only be the case if the windows size was not already modified using this boarder.
If you modify the height of a window and switch boarders to modify the width of a window, the height of the orange preview box gets reset to the height of the original window, the upper boarder of the orange preview box always stays the same.
This means if you resize using the bottom boarder, switch to another boarder and start to resize, the orange previewbox gets reset so that it is congruent to the original window (with the exception of the boarder you just modified of course. )

If you modify the width of a window and switch boarders to modify the height of a window, the width of the orange preview box gets reset to the width of the original window, the left boarder of the orange preview box always stays the same.
This means if you resize using the right boarder, switch to another boarder and start to resize, the orange previewbox gets reset so that it is congruent to the original window (with the exception of the boarder you just modified of course. )

This two factors cause the cursor to be positioned relative to the orange preview box.
The following video demonstrates this issue: