Comment 8 for bug 1073883

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Nicolas Krzywinski (nsk7even) wrote :

FINALLY I found a bug describing exactly the problem I have on all three machines I have running on trusty - yeah!
Two machines were upgraded from precise, one of them was installed freshly - so this seem to not be the cause.

Additionally I had problems with the "system settings > keyboard > shortcuts" as they kept resetting as well (maybe provoked by ccsm? cause it seems that those commands/hotkeys are tried to sync between them? ... only guessing ...)

More facts:
- commands and hotkeys do survive boots, but seem to be reset by ccsm (not 100% sure that it is ccsm that resets them, but they definitely are not reset at every reboot!)
- exporting/importing settings with ccsm purges commands but not hotkeys in both full or partial export modes
- opening ccsm show blank hotkeys until the ccsm window is moved with alt+mouse or one hotkey is edited, then they appear all at once, suddenly (but this may be only optics)
- after importing settings with ccsm it is finally possible to reactivate the hotkey/command combination (with entering the commands from scratch, cause they are lost now as described above) because if they stopped working I did not managed to get them back to work at all!! Though they are filled out within the commands plugin settings in ccsm...

Any fix or workaround on this would be really great.

@joschiposchi: how do you set the commands via script?