Comment 177 for bug 862430

Revision history for this message
Pitermann, Michel (michel-pitermann) wrote :

I think there is something broken in the Ubuntu upgrade policy regarding Compiz. Ubuntu 11.04 was so bugged and unstable that it triggered rage from many experienced Linux users. The answer from several Ubuntu forum managers defending Canonical was that we (the angry users) were stupid because if work and production was our main goal, we should have stick to the LTS version. The other 6-month cycle versions were supposed to be more adventurous and should be reserved for non-important usage.

Precise Compiz version ( is so bugged that it is simply not usable for intensive work. Now we are told that if we want a stable release we should upgrade to Ubuntu 12.10, i.e., a non-LTS version. So:

  1. What is the purpose of an LTS version if we should leave it for a more stable version?

  2. What did make the Compiz team to decide that Ubuntu 12.10 was more important than the 12.04 LTS version ?

I am not an English native speaker and I cannot write as I want. This is not an angry post or a post full of reproach or resentment. I am just curious because I would like to keep the LTS version but with a good Compiz version. Unfortunately I do not know how to express it without seeming harsh. Excuse-me for lacking the nuance necessary for this.