Comment 2 for bug 486716

Revision history for this message
Michael Vogt (mvo) wrote :

Thanks for your bugreport and your patch.

It is possible (also currently pretty difficult) to search the c-n-f database for installed packages. Here is a example:

$ /usr/lib/command-not-found --ignore-installed alien
The program 'alien' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install alien
alien: command not found

Having a simpler way is probably a good idea. If you are interessted on working on this I would suggest to start
with the lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/command-not-found/ubuntu branch as the 0.3 branch is currently not planned to
land for lucid. I would also suggest to use a slightly less generic name like "packages-provides-command".

For quickest turn-around for patches, its probably best to use irc (I'm "mvo" on freenode) or mail me patches
directly :)
