Comment 0 for bug 796730

Revision history for this message
pjv (pjv) wrote :

Monkey caught this on emulator-2.1 (0.3.4). The 2.1 emulator is old and very slow. So this even recreated the problem from bug #767567, but then on opening a resId drawable, instead of an unknown drawable. Maybe I should make the CD default covers smaller. Or I should fix it in the same way. But I don't think this is a big issue in real life, when you run OOM, you run OOM.

// CRASH: net.lp.collectionista (pid 357)

// Short Msg: bitmap size exceeds VM budget

// Long Msg: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget

// Build Label: android:generic/sdk/generic/:2.1-update1/ECLAIR/35983:eng/test-keys

// Build Changelist: 35983

// Build Time: 1273161972

// ID:

// Tag: AndroidRuntime

// java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget

// at

// at

// at

// at

// at net.lp.collectionista.util.ImageUtilities.loadImageResource(

// at net.lp.collectionista.util.ImageUtilities.getImage(

// at

// at$7.perform(

// at net.lp.collectionista.ui.activities.collections.ImageRepresentationLoader$

// at

** Monkey aborted due to error.

Events injected: 3582

:Dropped: keys=0 pointers=4 trackballs=0 flips=0

## Network stats: elapsed time=380857ms (380857ms mobile, 0ms wifi, 0ms not connected)

** System appears to have crashed at event 3582 of 10000 using seed 1