Comment 1 for bug 884615

Revision history for this message
Seppo Jaakola (seppo-jaakola) wrote :

This issue happened when loading a mysql dump file on the MySQL master node

Two issues were detected when debugging this:
A). non-effective DDL causes a crash in Galera slave. In this test the:
   ALTER TABLE `test` DISABLE KEYS, was the offending query

B). if log-slave-updates has not been set on Galera slave node, all replicated MySQL transactions are skipped

Howto reproduce case A:

1. setup two Galera nodes but with Galera replication disabled. Instead configure MySQL replication between this pair
2. issue in the master node:
   mysql> CREATE TABLE test.t(i int);
   mysql> ALTER TABLE test.t DISABLE KEYS;
3. Slave node should crash while applying

Howto reproduce case B:

1. use same node pair as in case A
2. in slave configuration make sure log_bin and log_slave_updates are not set
3. issue in the master node:
   mysql> CREATE TABLE test.t(i int);
   mysql> INSERT INTO t values (1);;
4. check out test.t in slave node, it will be empty