Comment 0 for bug 1371565

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Przemek (pmalkowski) wrote :

It seems that all the replication filters available in standard MySQL async replication also apply to Galera replication.
This is sometimes a problematic situation if one wants to mix Galera and async replication topologies. For example, setting a slave filter on Galera node acting as an async slave makes this node inconsistent with others if you do a direct write to filtered tables on this node - no galera peers will receive these updates. This any various other scenarios makes the situation within the cluster very complicated in case you need to change async replication topology or when SST happens between the nodes with different filters applied.
Sometimes you may need to apply some replication filtering for async replication but in the same time it is highly desired to have consistent data within Galera based cluster. Let's say you need two independent Galera clusters where only some data should be replicated between them in async way - right now it seems to be impossible without making the clusters inconsistent internally.

I would like to see an option to ignore all the MySQL filters in Galera replication while still let them affect the asynchronous replication.