Comment 1 for bug 1308016

Revision history for this message
Przemek (pmalkowski) wrote : Re: Duplicate UK values can be replicated under concurrent wokload

The test case I used from upstream bug report:

drop table if exists t1;
create table t1(a tinyint not null, b tinyint not null, who int, rep_count int, trx_count int, trx_started int, primary key(b), unique key(a)) engine=innodb;

drop procedure if exists p1;
delimiter $
create procedure p1(me int)
  declare continue handler for 1062 begin end;
  declare continue handler for 1213 begin end;
  set transaction isolation level repeatable read;
  set @trx_count:=0;
  set @trx_count:=0;
  set @replace_count:=0;
  set @cnt_a:=null,@cnt_b:=null,@a:=null;
    if rand() > 0.5 then
      if @trx_started = 0 then
        set @trx_count:=(@trx_count + 1);
      end if;
      set @trx_started:=@replace_count;
      start transaction;
    end if;
    if rand() > 0.5 then
      set @replace_count:=(@replace_count + 1);
      replace into t1(a,b,who,rep_count,trx_count,trx_started)
         values(floor(3*rand()), floor(3*rand()),
         me, @replace_count, @trx_count, @trx_started);
    end if;
    select count(*) cnt_a,a into
      @cnt_a,@a from t1 group by a having cnt_a > 1 limit 1;
    select count(*) cnt_b,b into
      @cnt_b,@b from t1 group by a having cnt_b > 1 limit 1;
    if (@cnt_a is not null) || (@cnt_b is not null) then
     select * from t1;
    end if;
    set @cnt_a:=null,@cnt_b:=null,@a:=null;
    if rand() > 0.5 then
      set @trx_started:=0;
    end if;
  until 1=2 end repeat;
end $
delimiter ;

session1 > call p1(77);
session2 > call p1(33);
session3 > call p1(55);