Comment 2 for bug 1979065

Revision history for this message
Chad Smith (chad.smith) wrote :

Expectation here is to fix hashed passwords to also expire.

Validated that hashed password is not expired by default:

cat > hash_pw_not_expired.yaml <<EOF
ssh_pwauth: true
 - default
 - gecos: User One
   name: u1
   groups: [adm, cdrom, dip, lxd, sudo]
   lock_passwd: False
 - gecos: User Two
   name: u2
   groups: [adm, cdrom, dip, lxd, sudo]
   lock-passwd: False
   - u1:$6$rounds=4096$4Bbw0KI52G71TqOT$a.mEik19QEe9Lfot2gt6Ff5rUwYkLm49SAIDJoNrxd4V/PL21e83FqK/aDVV6CGFM/GNH6CtvR0Sk52i9jhNK1
   - u2:RANDOM
lxc launch ubuntu-daily:jammy test-pw-expiry -c user.user-data="$(cat hash_pw_not_expired.yaml)"
lxc exec test-pw-expiry -- cloud-init status --wait --long
IP=`lxc ls -c 4 test-pw-expiry | awk '/eth/{print $2}'`
ssh u1@$IP # hashed password this4now
# Note no expiry notice
lxc console test-pw-expiry --show-log | grep u2
#copy password and login
ssh u2@$IP # Use random password printed to console from above
# Note expiry notice