Comment 0 for bug 1846355

Revision history for this message
Anisse Astier (anisse) wrote :

Note: this might be related to #1818197, but I'm not sure, so I'm opening another issue. Do not hesitate to mark as duplicate.

Using qemu-system-aarch64, with native kvm or with tcg on x86, it seems the default cloud images (I've tried with eoan and disco) take up to 148 seconds to finish booting (with kvm) or 590 seconds (with tcg). It's impossible to login before the end of this delay.

Here are traces from a qemu boot:
$ cloud-init analyze show
-- Boot Record 01 --
The total time elapsed since completing an event is printed after the "@" character.
The time the event takes is printed after the "+" character.

Starting stage: init-local
|`->no cache found @00.29600s +00.01200s
|`->found local data from DataSourceNoCloud @00.53200s +04.27000s
Finished stage: (init-local) 14.81700 seconds

Starting stage: init-network
|`->restored from cache with run check: DataSourceNoCloud [seed=/dev/sr0][dsmode=net] @69.94700s +00.32200s
|`->setting up datasource @73.46100s +00.01400s
|`->reading and applying user-data @73.95400s +00.23800s
|`->reading and applying vendor-data @74.19500s +00.00600s
|`->activating datasource @75.53100s +00.14900s
|`->config-migrator ran successfully @76.81200s +00.02200s
|`->config-seed_random ran successfully @76.84300s +00.03800s
|`->config-bootcmd ran successfully @76.89100s +00.00800s
|`->config-write-files ran successfully @76.90900s +00.03600s
|`->config-growpart ran successfully @76.95500s +03.55800s
|`->config-resizefs ran successfully @80.53200s +01.20400s
|`->config-disk_setup ran successfully @81.76300s +00.08000s
|`->config-mounts ran successfully @81.85700s +00.07600s
|`->config-set_hostname ran successfully @81.94600s +00.04900s
|`->config-update_hostname ran successfully @82.00500s +00.05300s
|`->config-update_etc_hosts ran successfully @82.06900s +00.01000s
|`->config-ca-certs ran successfully @82.08900s +00.03700s
|`->config-rsyslog ran successfully @82.13600s +00.03600s
|`->config-users-groups ran successfully @82.18200s +01.81000s
|`->config-ssh ran successfully @84.00900s +04.76000s
Finished stage: (init-network) 20.79900 seconds

Starting stage: modules-config
|`->config-emit_upstart ran successfully @468.99800s +00.01500s
|`->config-snap ran successfully @469.02500s +00.04000s
|`->config-snap_config ran successfully @469.07600s +00.03500s
|`->config-ssh-import-id ran successfully @469.12200s +00.04100s
|`->config-locale ran successfully @469.18300s +00.06300s
|`->config-set-passwords ran successfully @469.25800s +02.65100s
|`->config-grub-dpkg ran successfully @471.93200s +06.08300s
|`->config-apt-pipelining ran successfully @478.04600s +00.05200s
|`->config-apt-configure ran successfully @478.10900s +04.43300s
|`->config-ubuntu-advantage ran successfully @482.59600s +00.09700s
|`->config-ntp ran successfully @482.70600s +00.03700s
|`->config-timezone ran successfully @482.75400s +00.03500s
|`->config-disable-ec2-metadata ran successfully @482.80100s +00.01400s
|`->config-runcmd ran successfully @482.82700s +00.03400s
|`->config-byobu ran successfully @482.87400s +00.03700s
Finished stage: (modules-config) 14.58300 seconds

Starting stage: modules-final
|`->config-snappy ran successfully @504.88200s +00.07500s
|`->config-package-update-upgrade-install ran successfully @504.96700s +00.03100s
|`->config-fan ran successfully @505.00900s +00.03600s
|`->config-landscape ran successfully @505.05600s +00.03000s
|`->config-lxd ran successfully @505.09600s +00.03300s
|`->config-ubuntu-drivers ran successfully @505.14000s +00.03300s
|`->config-puppet ran successfully @505.18300s +00.03300s
|`->config-chef ran successfully @505.22600s +00.03500s
|`->config-mcollective ran successfully @505.27100s +00.03300s
|`->config-salt-minion ran successfully @505.31500s +00.03200s
|`->config-rightscale_userdata ran successfully @505.35800s +00.03200s
|`->config-scripts-vendor ran successfully @505.40100s +00.03100s
|`->config-scripts-per-once ran successfully @505.44300s +00.03300s
|`->config-scripts-per-boot ran successfully @505.48700s +00.00900s
|`->config-scripts-per-instance ran successfully @505.50600s +00.03600s
|`->config-scripts-user ran successfully @505.55400s +00.03200s
|`->config-ssh-authkey-fingerprints ran successfully @505.59600s +00.11900s
|`->config-keys-to-console ran successfully @505.72600s +01.57500s
|`->config-phone-home ran successfully @507.33000s +00.05500s
|`->config-final-message ran successfully @507.39600s +00.21700s
|`->config-power-state-change ran successfully @507.62300s +00.03200s
Finished stage: (modules-final) 03.40900 seconds

Total Time: 53.60800 seconds

1 boot records analyzed

$ systemd-analyze blame
    5min 32.717s snapd.seeded.service
    1min 18.889s dev-vda1.device
     1min 3.376s systemd-udev-settle.service
         52.841s cloud-init.service
         47.654s cloud-init-local.service
         36.746s cloud-config.service
         30.937s apparmor.service
         28.002s pollinate.service
         24.492s cloud-final.service
         19.029s networkd-dispatcher.service
         16.215s systemd-logind.service
         15.985s accounts-daemon.service
         15.590s systemd-udev-trigger.service
         12.687s apport.service
         11.720s systemd-resolved.service
         11.424s systemd-journald.service
         11.007s grub-common.service
         10.479s systemd-timesyncd.service
         10.285s rsyslog.service
          9.391s keyboard-setup.service
          9.139s snap.lxd.activate.service
          5.782s systemd-networkd.service
          4.268s grub-initrd-fallback.service

It might be related to snapd since it's the one that takes 5min+ in my case.

How to reproduce ?
The script below should be enough to reproduce the issue:

# supposes you have installed qemu-efi-aarch64, qemu-system-arm and genisoimage
set -euo pipefail


wget -O "$IMG"
echo -e '#cloud-config\nsystem_info:\n default_user:\n name: qemu\npassword: qemu\nchpasswd: { expire: False }\nssh_pwauth: True\n' > user-data
echo "local-hostname: qemu-machine" > meta-data
genisoimage -quiet -input-charset utf-8 -output "$CLOUDINIT" -volid cidata -joliet -rock user-data meta-data
rm -f user-data meta-data

qemu-system-aarch64 -machine virt -m 768 -cpu cortex-a72 -smp 2 -accel tcg,thread=multi -nographic -nodefaults \
 -bios /usr/share/qemu-efi-aarch64/QEMU_EFI.fd \
 -drive "index=0,media=disk,id=disk0,if=none,file=$IMG" -device virtio-blk,drive=disk0 \
 -device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi0 -drive "file=$CLOUDINIT,if=none,driver=raw,readonly=on,id=cdrom1" -device scsi-cd,bus=scsi0.0,drive=cdrom1 \
 -serial mon:stdio