Comment 6 for bug 1779672

Revision history for this message
Ryan Harper (raharper) wrote :


If you can, please test this branch/change. You can checkout the branch and run it on the target system like so:

% PYTHONPATH=`pwd` python -c 'from cloudinit import netinfo; print(netinfo.netdev_pformat())'

Using the output provided in this bug, on this branch, the output looks like this:

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Net device info+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
| Device | Up | Address | Mask | Scope | Hw-Address |
| lo0 | True | | 0xff000000 | . | |
| lo0 | True | ::1/128 | . | | |
| lo0 | True | fe80::1%lo0/64 | . | 0x4 | |
| pflog0 | False | . | . | . | |
| pfsync0 | False | . | . | . | |
| vtnet0 | True | | 0xfffff000 | . | fa:16:3e:14:1f:99 |