Comment 0 for bug 1717627

Revision history for this message
Scott Moser (smoser) wrote :

in the ec2 datasource, cloud-init runs dhclient from a tmp file in order to avoid apparmor restrictions and side affects.

In a change for bug 1707222 we started using /run/cloud-init for tmpfiles.
/run is mounted noexec. See example:

$ sudo /run/cloud-init/tmp/dhclient -1 -v -lf /run/cloud-init/tmp/cloud-init-dhcp-bs6g4xkw/dhcp.leases -pf /run/cloud-init/tmp/cloud-init-dhcp-bs6g4xkw/ eth0 -sf /bin/true
sudo: unable to execute /run/cloud-init/tmp/dhclient: Permission denied

So, we need a tmp file in a place that allows execution.