Comment 0 for bug 1693361

Revision history for this message
Jim Browne (jbrowne) wrote :

apt-daily is now a systemd service rather than being invoked by cron.daily. If one builds a custom AMI it is possible that the apt-daily.timer will fire during boot. This can fire at the same time cloud-init is running and if cloud-init loses the race the invocation of apt (e.g. use of "packages:" in the config) will fail.

There is a lot of discussion online about this change to apt-daily (e.g. unattended upgrades happening during business hours, delaying boot, etc.) and discussion of potential systemd changes regarding timers firing during boot (c.f.

While it would be better to solve this in apt itself, I suggest that cloud-init be defensive when calling apt and implement some retry mechanism.

Various instances of people running into this issue: