Comment 1 for bug 1355909

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Scott Moser (smoser) wrote :

Hi, thanks for taking the tiem to report this bug.
It seems to me that if we just change the 'service puppet start' to 'service puppet restart', then we'd be good.

for Problem 1:
 i think we'd see a log message of "Sorry we do not know how to enable..." but that the module would go on.

For Problem 2:
 In my quick test, a 'apt-get install puppet' did in fact result in running puppet:
 $ sudo service puppet status
 * agent is running

Problem 3:
 if we just run sudo service puppet restart, then it will actually restart it. And since it is sysvinit script, restart means "start if not running". In Upstart world, 'restart' means 'restart only if currently running'.

Can you try just adding a bootcmd like this and see if it fixes the problem:
 sed -i "s,'start','restart'," /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cloudinit/config/