Comment 1 for bug 1023177

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Joshua Harlow (harlowja) wrote :

Seems to make sense, the above example might be one way to tag configs for certain launch-indexes.

I wonder if we can restrict this change to just the user-data writing 'processor' and say, write to a launch-index folder (a subfolder of the instance-id folder?) which then can be selected for the 'current' index? Does that make sense? This way if you wanted to see the config/mime data that will be activated for a index u can go look at one folder, and later running would just be symlinked into that folder (instead of the current instance-id folder), say configs that have no launch-index would be duplicated, but configs that have specific launch-indexes would only be written into there appropriate folder, then the modules down the line would not even know they were running in a given index (although this should be provided to them, ideally via a datasource function).

It could also seem possible that you would only want to run a given set of 'config' modules for a given launch-index? Some cases u want to run something that will configure your db (but only on launch-index X).

This could mean changes in cloud.cfg,

Instead of the previous:

 - m1
 - m2

There could be:

  - index: all
    module: m1
  - index: [1, 2, 3]
    module: m2