Comment 9 for bug 1941785

Revision history for this message
Mitchell Dzurick (mitchdz) wrote :

I have tested the change in proposed for each release. The steps are almost identical (only the AMI changes) but lengthy, so I'll provide a single comment with the steps performed for each release.

1. Create an amazon EC2 instance with the following properties
   - AMI - lunar - ami-05479a7ac80766d9f
           kinetic - ami-03e20864bf1b107ee
           jammy - ami-0c7b1f327a97d8cec
           focal - ami-0bb56dbe79558e0f0
   - t2.micro
   - encrypted 8GB EBS volume with default key
   - Stop - Hibernate behavior: Enable
   - Metadata accessible : Enable
   - Metadata version Info : V2 only (token required)
2. Wait for instance to say "Running"
3. ssh into your instance
4. add proposed; apt update && apt upgrade
echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-proposed restricted main multiverse universe" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-$(lsb_release -cs)-proposed.list
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y
5. Create a test program
/bin/cat <<EOM >~/
import time

# Allocate 200MB chunk of memory
size = 200 * 1024 * 1024 # 200MB
memory_chunk = bytearray(size)

print("Allocated 200MB of memory.")

# Enter indefinite loop
while True:
    time.sleep(1) # Wait for 1 second

# The script will never reach this point
6. Run a background process
python3 ~/ &
7. Hibernate the instance
8. Wait for Instance to be in "Stopped" State
9. Start the instance
10. ssh into instance
11. Check that the process is running
$ ps aux | grep allocate_mem | grep -v grep
ubuntu 2532 1.1 23.0 221948 213248 pts/0 S 13:43 0:00 python3 /home/ubuntu/