Comment 5 for bug 1932116

Revision history for this message
Maurizio Valenzisi (mvalenzisi) wrote :

Hi Thomas,

yes, only some pods fail to start. Actually, it's not exact to say that they fail, they're stuck in ContainerCreating status.

- a last chunk of the kubelet log is attached

- log of aws-node

# kubectl logs -f -n kube-system aws-node-jrbtw
Copying portmap binary ... Starting IPAM daemon in the background ... ok.
Checking for IPAM connectivity ... ok.
Copying additional CNI plugin binaries and config files ... ok.
Foregrounding IPAM daemon ...
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: W0615 14:25:55.286171 10 reflector.go:341] <email address hidden>/tools/cache/reflector.go:99: watch of *v1.Pod ended with: too old resource version: 142380942 (142920328)
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: E0615 14:40:25.944155 10 memcache.go:147] couldn't get resource list for the server is currently unable to handle the request
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: W0616 07:37:34.494052 10 reflector.go:341] <email address hidden>/tools/cache/reflector.go:99: watch of *v1.Pod ended with: too old resource version: 142938294 (142942818)
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: W0616 08:18:28.510504 10 reflector.go:341] <email address hidden>/tools/cache/reflector.go:99: watch of *v1.Pod ended with: too old resource version: 143246162 (143250888)

- content of /opt/cni/bin

# ls /opt/cni/bin
aws-cni portmap