Comment 3 for bug 1701062

Revision history for this message
Dan Watkins (oddbloke) wrote : Re: [Bug 1701062] Re: azure stream data is not useful for 'arm' (Azure Resource Manager) mode

On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 06:12:40PM -0000, Scott Moser wrote:
> I'm annoyed by this again, trying to launch a "latest ubuntu".
> The data that you can get from
> $ az vm image list --all --publisher=Canonical | pastebinit
> Its basically unusable.
> In order to launch something by its sku, you have to:
> a.) know if the release you're interested in is LTS (12.04.3-LTS versus 17.04)
> b.) know the latest point version of that if it is an LTS.
> Can we please get stream data that gets us these 'urn' ?

We'll be looking at reworking our Azure publication flow in the next six
months; this should be part of that effort.