Comment 13 for bug 1867676

Revision history for this message
Jorge Niedbalski (niedbalski) wrote :


I've verified that the current -proposed package fixes the issue for us, for the
given use case.

Using the following deployment bundle on a Bionic + Rocky cloud

Without the patch, the problem is reproduced as expressed on the case description:

ubuntu@niedbalski-bastion:~/stsstack-bundles/openstack/00268110$ openstack secret container create --type='certificate' --name "test-tls-1" --secret="certificate=" --secret="private_key=" --secret="intermediates="

ubuntu@niedbalski-bastion:~/stsstack-bundles/openstack/00268110$ openstack loadbalancer listener create --protocol-port 443 --protocol "TERMINATED_HTTPS" --name "test-listener" --default-tls-container="" -- lb1
The PKCS12 bundle is unreadable. Please check the PKCS12 bundle validity. In addition, make sure it does not require a pass phrase. Error: [('asn1 encoding routines', 'asn1_d2i_read_bio', 'not enough data')] (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-c79fbcb1-06d8-47e4-9754-8066596ba262)

With the patch applied in the following version:

root@juju-be44b9-barbican-10:/home/ubuntu# dpkg -l |grep barbican
ii python3-barbicanclient 4.6.0-0ubuntu1.1 all OpenStack Key Management API client - Python 3.x

| | None | 2020-05-12T21:37:32+00:00 | ACTIVE | certificate | certificate= | None |
| | | | | | private_key= | |

The issue isn't longer reproducible and listeners can be created.

ubuntu@niedbalski-bastion:~/stsstack-bundles/openstack/00268110$ openstack loadbalancer listener create --protocol-port 443 --protocol "TERMINATED_HTTPS" --name "test-listener-2" --default-tls-container="" -- lb2
| Field | Value |
| admin_state_up | True |
| connection_limit | -1 |
| created_at | 2020-05-12T21:38:28 |
| default_pool_id | None |
| default_tls_container_ref | |
| description | |
| id | 971a679d-4a07-4012-8552-fac8f0f450ab |
| insert_headers | None |
| l7policies | |
| loadbalancers | 9a49ae4e-4bae-451d-bcec-b22dadf1df29 |
| name | test-listener-2 |
| operating_status | OFFLINE |
| project_id | 2ab451be592d468bad963a95a342e099 |
| protocol | TERMINATED_HTTPS |
| protocol_port | 443 |
| provisioning_status | PENDING_CREATE |
| sni_container_refs | [] |
| timeout_client_data | 50000 |
| timeout_member_connect | 5000 |
| timeout_member_data | 50000 |
| timeout_tcp_inspect | 0 |
| updated_at | None |
| client_ca_tls_container_ref | |
| client_authentication | |
| client_crl_container_ref | |
| allowed_cidrs | |

ubuntu@niedbalski-bastion:~/stsstack-bundles/openstack/00268110$ openstack loadbalancer listener show 971a679d-4a07-4012-8552-fac8f0f450ab | grep tls
| default_tls_container_ref | |
| client_ca_tls_container_ref | |

ubuntu@niedbalski-bastion:~/stsstack-bundles/openstack/00268110$ openstack loadbalancer listener show 971a679d-4a07-4012-8552-fac8f0f450ab | grep -i provis
| provisioning_status | ACTIVE |

Therefore, I am marking this verification as completed.

Thanks for the help on this.